Sunday, September 28, 2014

Environment artwork second piece

After using the real life photos and sketching out the town again, allowed me to get a nice perspective on what i was going to make this year. However i have done some slight alterations to the previous sketch as shown here.

The alteration to this image, was primarily at the bottom left corner of the sketch. I didnt like how the previous sketch kinda rolled around and splodged along the side. I sharpened the end off to give it a more realistic dynamic.


I also choose a new mountain to draw insperation from to create a new piece of artwork. I really like how the second sketch came out. The perspective helps with putting the mountains in scale. Im not a great artist but i think this is one of the first time I've been relatively happy with a large scale perspective shot.
Real life interspersion

Second enviroment art
The only thing i have to say on the second piece of environment art is that the structure of the mountain and dwarf city is a bit to similar to the first piece of artwork, i would like to break away from this factor, as it will help the design process if i have a bit of variation and iteration.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Environment artwork

So yesterday i focused on making an environment piece for the Dwarven town of Gromak Thor. I drew inspiration from my previous sketches and a real image of a mountain that would fit the concept i have.

These are the two images i used as reference yesterday. The top image just looked perfect setting that i was after. The harsh looking mountain with a near enough vertical drop ideal for fitting the town into. The sketches i have drawn on the right were early sketches i made to simply get a rough idea of the concept out. Using these as references really helped me create a piece of art that i am happy with. I normally despise my artwork yet i really enjoyed this piece and working from the top image as a main reference really helped with designing it.

This is just the start of my environment piece. As i have said in earlier posts i plan to import this image into Photoshop and add color and build the piece of artwork up through layers. However without my tablet this process will have to wait. Though not up to industry standards of drawing, the concept like this branched off new ideas about how this town should look. I plan to make three more drawings like this taking inspiration from different mountains o create a different effect. Overall i am very happy with how the first environment sketch has gone. Once i have created the other three, i will choose one to develop even further.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Images for environment art

So i decided i want a really nice drawing of an enviroment piece with the whole mountain. And the city in sight. To do this i am going to design it in layers. I think, yet as my graphics tablet is out of use for the next few weeks, i plan to start with sketch and work at it further by scanning it and going over it with graphics tablet when i have my tablet up and running.

I am going to look for images of real mountains to try and find one that would fit a dwarf town, as i view it. I am going to spend the rest of the day getting out large scale ideas for the mountain scenery.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Self taken photos

I knew i needed to start gathering reference material for my final project. I was looking for old rustic areas of Norwich, trying to gather good material to work from. 

In my time looking around Norwich i wanted to grab a few snaps of specific areas. 

  • Stone buildings
  • Pillars
  • Interesting windows
  • Archways
  • Architecture that links in  with concept art
  • Doors
  • Windows
  • Starting to gather my own texture base.  

The photos are going to be made into mood boards to interpenetrate the pictures easier and gather inspiration, for texture, modeling, and details throughout my modeling stage.

Good for pillar inspiration

Good for pillar inspiration

Good for circle roofs

Detail of roof

Archway brick layout

Ornate Doorway

Fantasy style game architecture 

Window ornate

Door Referance

Usable tand useful texture

Window referance

Detail on doorhandle

Ornate archway

Using this research i hope to improve my attention in various factors of the modeling and texturing of my buildings.

I think by putting together my photographs like this for the rest of the year will help me understand the images and details of the buildings easier. I am going to keep taking photo's throughout the year to help reference material.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Scanned artwork

I have been doing sketches for the last week getting out ideas for the builings and layout for the dwarf town concept. These are rough sketches with pencil. I plan to iterate the ideas with color and design using a graphics tablet while producing more sketches over the next month. This is pushing forward as the main concept. Over the other ideas i have had.

An Overall View of mountain and different floors of town
Buildings 1-6
Buildings 7-12
Buildings 13-18
Buildings 19-25
Buildings 26-32

Buildings 33-38

Church/Secret Door design 1
White Stone Sketch

I am going to be using these buildings as a start i want to sketch each one out more, changing color, brick design, roof style est. Once i am happy with an outcome i will use my artwork as a referance for modeling and texturing assets.