Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Final Steps

Now that i have completed both documents. This is the last day before my hand in, With my extra time I will now design a front cover for each document.

The image on the left is a design i found while scrolling for information. I would love to add a page like this at the end of the document. The page on the right is a design i have made in photoshop quickly. This is a good starting point, and reference point to work off of,

The research report ready for submission

Below is my research report for BA7 it is complete save for a cover page which i am in the process of designing. The report describes the reason for the area, story, and the research that will be used for the studio design of the project.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Folder Structure

This is the folder structure that i will use for my BA7 handin.

Main Folder (1200521_Sam_B_GAD3)
            - Research Report
                       - The research report (18 pages)
            - Technical Report
                      - The technical report (46 pages)
            - Blog
                     - Six pages of scrolling PDF dairy blog
            - Artwork
                    -scrolling PDF of artwork

Friday, November 21, 2014

Layout of the reports

Big update

I have been working a lot recently and haven't updated my blog as i felt the need to break up my work, from my blog, and have been putting a lot of time into making my Tech report. This is what i wanted to focus on mostly, the research report is still in construction but is going to be a improvement and continuation of it during the first week. I am using indesign to design these documents.

I will still be adding aspects to this still like a title page - with chosen images from the document. water effects, a pipeline and timeschedle and a table of contents