Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Group Meeting and slight changes

After my group tutorial's i showed off my current concepts. Overall the presentation went well however their was some layout designs that were causing concerns with my peers and tutor. My first layout of my level seemed to exstensive. With each room breaking off and its own design resulting in alot of work. The concept itself seemed to have a positive reaction, yet this means that i have to rethink my idea slightly.

Original Design layout
A perspective view of what i wanted original idea to look like
I thought breaking down one room into four sections for my enviroment would cut down the amount of work, while still keeping in line with the original idea/
Pushing this idea further into a perspecitive view really dose bring out the scene more. I now prefer this layout to my original concept and am happy to design further from here.

This is a rough idea of what the Native american area looks like, i wanted a mountainous scene to show off this area within the one room concept this will require morphing the floor to fit a mountain scene. Something i think i will find very interesting.

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